Published in: Southern Argus, Thursday, May 7, 1908
As a faithful public servant, I offer myself a candidate for re election to the important office of Superintendent of Public Instruction of Hernando County, subject to the action of the democratic primaries.
In offering myself as a candidate for re-election, I desire to thank you most sincerely for the repeated endorsements you have given me at the polls, and to assure you of my profound gratitude. I also thank you for the able and willing assistance extended me in the performance of my official duties. Without your aid no effort of mine could have made the schools of Hernando County a success.
I ask for your suffrages for the following reasons:
1. Almost a lifetime's experience in superintending the instruction of children in Sunday and public schools has made me familiar with the details of the work and efficient in putting in operation the best and most [successful methods] of instruction.
2. I have been so long separated by life's devotion to the cause of education from other occupations and interests that I am better qualified for the superintendent's duties than any other, and, being so long accustomed to the work, I would not feel at home in following any other occupation.
3.Although the schools have flourished and reached a high point of efficiency under my hand, and the fine reputation of Hernando county schools has become state wide, I feel that I can yet be a benefit to the schools and bring them up to a higher state of proficiency and usefulness, and a larger and brighter reputation.
I promise should you trust me with the office to understand and maintain the following:
1. To administer the affairs of the office and the schools as to finances, with the utmost care and economy, consistent with the highest, best and most practical education of the children. No money shall be wasted, no graft permitted if I can prevent it.
2. To maintain and operate the best schools possible in all the communities in the county where they can be lawfully maintained; to give the small isolated schools all necessary attention, adequate facilities of instruction and best teach….
[Points 3 through 5 illegible.]
6. Patrons and trustees shall be consulted and their wishes ascertained on all questions affecting their schools.
7. No school money shall be wasted or extravagantly spent, but every effort will be put forth to make every dollar bring the highest and best results in the education and mental and moral development of the children of the public schools.
8. Every school in the county shall have the privilege and opportunity to run at least eight months in the year, if patrons desire it.
9. I, as superintendent, pledge myself to be the servant of the whole people, and not of a clique or factor, thereof.
I have tried to make you a good school superintendent in the past; I will do my best to make you a better one in the future.
Should I receive your suffrages and be re-elected, I shall feel profoundly grateful and highly honored, that you have called me to put forth the highest and noblest efforts of my life.
Should you give your support and the office to another, I shall submit my most loyally and patriotically to your decision, and willingly do all I can as a private citizen to advance the cause of education, which I love better than any other of a secular nature.
Soliciting your suffrages and support at the polls on May 19, I subscribe myself,
Your obedient and faithful servant,
Brooksville, Fla., May 7, 1908.
The Southern Argus was published by A.M.C Russell or Russell Publishing. In addition to publishing and holding the Superintendent's position, Russell was a businessman, postmaster, mayor and reverend. It has been stated that during his tenure as Superintendent, Hernando County schools rose to be considered first among Florida schools. Although elections are coming up this year, the Superintendent is not a position on the ballot. Today, the Superintendent is appointed by the school board.